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A - Active
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I - Imaginary Play
MU - Music
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R - Real World Play
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T - Things That Go
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Addition - Numeracy
Artistic Expression - Creative, Communication
Balance - Gross Motor
Batting - Gross Motor
Body Awareness - Gross Motor
Cause and Effect - Cognitive
Celebrating Diversity - Social
Chunky Puzzle - Fine Motor
Climbing - Gross Motor
Colours - Perceptual, Creative
Concentration - Cognitive
Construction - Cognitive, Fine Motor, Creative
Core Strength - Gross Motor
Counting - Numeracy
Crawling - Gross Motor
Emotions - Social, Communication
Fine Motor - Fine Motor
Floor Puzzle - Fine Motor
Following Directions - Communication
Framed Puzzle - Fine Motor
Functional Play - Cognitive
Grasping Objects - Fine Motor
Gross Motor - Gross Motor
Hammering - Fine Motor
Hand/Eye Coordination - Gross Motor, Perceptual
Imaginative Play - Social, Communication, Creative
Jumping/Hopping - Gross Motor
Language - Communication
Letter Recognition - Communication
Lifting/Carrying Loads - Gross Motor
Listening - Communication
Logic - Cognitive
Looking - Perceptual
Matching - Perceptual
Melody and Pitch - Creative
Memory - Perceptual
Multicultural - Social, Communication
Music - Creative
Number Recognition - Numeracy
Numeracy - Cognitive
Object Manipulation - Fine Motor
Peg Puzzle - Fine Motor
Pincer Grip - Fine Motor
Placement - Fine Motor
Planning - Cognitive
Posting - Fine Motor
Postural Control - Gross Motor
Pouring - Fine Motor
Problem Solving - Cognitive, Creative
Push and Pull - Gross Motor
Reaching for Objects - Gross Motor
Reading - Communication
Resistance - Gross Motor
Rhythm and Beat - Creative
Ride On - Gross Motor
Sand/Water Play - Gross Motor
Screwing - Fine Motor
Sensory Processing - Perceptual
Sequencing - Cognitive
Shapes - Perceptual, Creative
Small World Play - Cognitive, Fine Motor, Creative
Sorting - Perceptual, Cognitive
Sounds - Perceptual, Creative
Squat and Stand - Gross Motor
Stacking - Fine Motor
Story Telling - Communication, Creative
Subtraction - Numeracy
Taking Turns - Social, Communication
Threading - Fine Motor
Throwing and Catching - Gross Motor
Time - Perceptual, Cognitive
Transferring Object - Fine Motor
Tummy Time - Gross Motor
Visual Discrimination - Perceptual
Walking - Gross Motor